Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Canada Day 2011

It was a busy weekend this year, with lots to do around the valley and good weather, too!

Canada's 144th birthday started early, at 00h01 on Friday, July 1st, in fact! I've already blogged about the fireworks display, so you can read about it here, or view high-res photo's on Smugmug.

On Saturday morning, I drove down-valley to catch what I could of the Fairmont Fantastic 3 Triathlon. I missed the swim section, but caught a bit of the bike and run ... must make a point to get the whole thing next year! Below are a couple of photo's - there weren't a great many competitors so I took other shooting opportunities as they presented themselves! For all the triathlon pic's, have a look at my Smugmug gallery.

Then in the afternoon, there was a fun event at Kinsmen Beach in Invermere: It was a fundraiser for the RCMP's Cops For Kids charity - people have to build their own boats using recyclables and only a limited amount of funds ($100, I think!) - and whoever works on the boat has to be in the boat for the short paddle on the lake!

More photo's on Smugmug, of the water-borne fun!

As if that wasn't enough for this photographer, the following day brought the Gatorade BC Cup XC mountain bike race at Panorama! The route was on the newly completed Mad Trapper trail. It was lovely up on the mountain, everything so green, and a gorgeous day! I was sorry that the event was over in just a couple of hours.

Pop over to Smugmug for the bike race gallery.

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