Thursday, March 15, 2012

IPC Alpine Skiing World Cup Finals - Panorama, Canada

I've been up to Panorama Resort several times to photograph ski racing in its various forms. This is the first time that I've seen Paralympians competing live, and had the opportunity to photograph the action. There are few words that describe the feelings I was left with:

Inspired                          Grateful                      Humble                         In awe

The IPC Alpine Skiing World Cup Finals came to town and, true to form (Sod's Law), brought tons of snow! For those of you who don't know, a lot of snow is not what they want on the ground for ski racing - especially when you get about 30cm of powder in one day! Yes, they need snow covering the ground, but they'd rather have a hard-packed, even icy, surface to slide on - it's way faster!

Anyway, the photos are in my smugmug gallery ... here are a few of my fav's:

A Sight-Impaired Skier Following His Guide

He Looks Like He's Having A Blast!

Believe It Or Not, He Didn't Fall - Saved It & Continued On!

1 comment:

  1. That dude really didn't crash and burn?! Wowza! I would fall putting skis on.

    I watched a paralympic event once and was also inspired. Shortly thereafter, I watched a wheelchair basketball game and that was simply awesome! Those dudes were at it rough.
